How to Support Us
God’s Beloved, There are many ways you can support Unity Church of Delray Beach: with your love and prayers; your presence at Sunday services and classes; and your financial support, too. Our spiritual community is thriving because of the generosity of people like you, who put feet on their prayers by giving of their time, talent and treasure. If you would like to make a donation to support Unity Church of Delray Beach, please use the button above to make an online donation using MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover. If you would rather send a check, please mail it to:
Unity of Delray Beach
101 NW 22 Street
Delray Beach, FL 33444
Legacy Gifts
Unity of Delray Beach has been able to carry the Unity message of Truth since 1961 because of the gifts of generous donors. When you plan a gift to Unity of Delray Beach in your long-term estate or financial plans, you will help ensure that we will be here to carry out our ministry for many years to come.
Your gift may be designated to the general fund for areas of greatest need or to a special area that speaks to your heart. Please consult with your estate planner or other professional about making a lasting contribution through one or more of the following vehicles:
Make a provision in your Will of cash, securities, real estate, or other personal property to benefit our ministry.
IRA or Pension Plans
Consider giving ordinary income assets such as an IRA or pension plan to Unity of Delray Beach.
Life Insurance
It is a simple process to designate Unity of Delray Beach as a beneficiary on an existing or new life insurance policy.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Create a trust with assets managed by a trustee. You or other named income beneficiaries receive income from the trust until it is dissolved, with the remainder of the assets being distributed to Unity of Delray Beach.
Charitable Lead Trust
You create a trust in which income is generated to Unity of Delray Beach for your entire life or a set number of years. At the end of the term, the trust is distributed back to you or your heirs.