Ongoing Services, Meetings, and Messages
One Service and Sunday School at 10 :00 a.m.
Sanctuary Services Attendance Protocol
Masks for adults during Sunday services are no longer required. All who feel more comfortable continuing to wear a mask are welcome to do so. We will have separate seating sections for masked and unmasked churchgoers.
Masks are no longer required while entering the church and when in common areas. We ask everyone to be respectful of those around us and use the courtesy of social distancing.
Reserving seats for Sunday services is no longer necessary.
Because the safety of our community is of utmost importance, these changes will be reviewed and modified if required.
Thank you and bless you for your kind patience and prayerful, loving support of Unity of Delray Beach as we move forward together!
Services Online
If there is a Sunday when you can't attend a church service in person, or if you just want to experience it a second time, you can watch it on your phone, tablet, or computer. To do this, please go to our website at www.unityofdelraybeach.org after 11 a.m. Sundays or on Monday when a recording will be uploaded. Scroll down on the homepage to reach the video.
Our Sunday School
Our Sunday School is held during the first Sunday service (9:25 a.m.) and students
will arrive at church and go with their parents to the Sanctuary for a lesson, but head out to their classes with the teachers afterwards.
*Masks are not required.
Those students who want to wear a mask may certainly do so.
In addition to education, the health and safety of our Sunday School students is our main concern*
The classes will include all students 3 years and older.
Nursery/Infant care is not yet available.
Prayer Service 10 a.m. Sanctuary Gather to pray for others, one another, and world healing.
Recovery Meeting 7 -8p Fellowship Hall Al‐Anon
Meditation Service 6:30 p.m. Sanctuary
Recovery Meeting 7:00p Prayer Room - LGBTQ - AA
Prosperity Coffee 7a Phone lessons in well‐being and prosperity, with Charlene Wilkinson.
Join in by calling 1-605 475 6006 Passcode is 303 1030
Saturday 11:00a Prayer Room Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
5:30p- Fellowship Hall – AA
Sunday Services
One Service and Sunday School at 10 :00 a.m.
6:00p Fellowship Hall Codependents Anonymous (CODA)
Please call our Dial a Prayer (561) 900-2559 24/7, and visit our website at www.unityofdelraybeach.org